Cachuma Lake Recreation Area
This is a great way to give back to the park and environment, and help the oaks survive for the generations of Cachuma Lake visitors to come! Saturday, September 11 from 8:45 a.m. to noon. Tools and instruction will be provided. Limited to 20 people. Please RSVP by calling (805) 252-1952.
Please help our oaks last a hundred years! Several dozen Coast Live Oak trees planted years ago in the campground have now become established, and the County of Santa Barbara needs your help in caring for them. Under the direction of a Board Certified Master Arborist we’ll be removing stakes and ties, adding mulch, and performing structural pruning to the trees from the ground. No skills needed. Tools will be provided, along with basic training on safety and pruning techniques.
We’ll be meeting in the parking lot by the Clubhouse at Cachuma Lake. Please wear sturdy closed-toe shoes (no flip flops or sandals) and clothes you won’t mind getting dirty. Long-sleeved shirts and pants recommended, along with sun protection and water.
For additional questions and to RSVP, please call (805) 252-1952. Please tell the Ranger at Cachuma Lake’s front gate that you are volunteering for the Young Oak Tree Care Event.
Event limited to 20 people. Lunch will be provided.