Santa Ynez Valley Union High School Class of 1985- We have secured a date and location for our 40th Reunion.
SAVE THE DATE-Saturday, June 21, 2025!
Our reunion will be held at The Craft House at The Corque in Solvang.
Please share this with all your classmates on your Facebook so we can get it out to as many classmates as possible! We realize our reunion isn’t until next year and this may seem early to get things going however, we have to start the planning process in order to get the venue booked as well as the DJ etc.
We need you to send via private message, your name, address, phone number (if you want that in our reunion book) and email address, so that we can start compiling them into our list for a book.
We will be charging $125 per person and will update soon with a PO. Box of where to send your payment as well as a final date as to when the money will be due . You can send your info to Julie D’Arelli Kennedy or to Stephanie Smithson.