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Danish Days Maid Application Due

Solvang Danish Days is currently taking applications

for this year's Danish Maid!

 Applicants must submit an essay about their qualifications and

accomplishments, and preference will be given to a candidate

who will be a high school senior during the fall of 2022.

 During the festival weekend, **September 16-18, 2022**, the
Danish Days Maid will have an honorary position in the Danish Days
Parade, and will need to be available for media interviews and
other event appearances.

 Applications may be emailed to   

The application deadline is MAY 18, 2022!


Stay tuned for further details about this year's #DanishDays!
#Aebleskiver, #axethrowing, #Vikings, #parades, free family
entertainment, beer, wine and foodie experiences will all be involved.

May 17

Karaoke Night - Maverick

May 18

Tiny Tot Movers & Tumbers